All Shall Be Well With Julian of Norwich and Mother Seton
St. Julian of Norwich and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton share the mystic’s confidence that “all shall be well” if we trust in God. These things that we suffer and fear – pain, death, illness, loss, and strife – Jesus has already overcome. We suffer in the world, but He has conquered the world.
Answering the Nudges of God with St. Rose Venerini and St. Ann Elizabeth Seton
If we knew God’s plan for our lives ahead of time, we may feel too scared or overwhelmed to trust Him. But we have the example of St. Rose Venerini and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to show us how to give God one faithful “yes” at a time.
Saint Gianna and Mother Seton Teach Us That Love Requires Sacrifice
In their lives St. Gianna Beretta Molla and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton witnessed to the truth that love and sacrifice are inherently linked, like the sun and the light.
What It Means to Pray Without Ceasing According to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
God doesn’t want a casual relationship. He wants us to turn to him in everything we do. As St. Elizabeth Ann Seton says: “He wants us to lift our hearts to him. Always.”
One Day at a Time with St. John Baptiste de la Salle and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
If we knew the crosses in store for our lives before they were given to us, we may despair and give up immediately. Saint Jean Baptiste de la Salle and Mother Seton show us how to take our crosses with full trust in God one day at a time.
St. Isidore and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Pioneers in Education
Although they lived many centuries apart, St. Isidore of Seville and Mother Seton were each leaders in the Church’s mission to preserve knowledge and expand education to all people.
Letting Go and Trusting God With Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
We say the words “Thy will be done” countless times, but do we really mean them? St. Elizabeth Ann Seton shows us how we can grow into our prayers – even the tough ones – by opening ourselves to God’s love, and learning to trust Him completely.
Couple Credits Intercession of ‘Spiritual Friends’ Seton and McGivney with Healing
A life threatening situation with a happy ending
Beginning a New School Year with Our Lady and Mother Seton
No matter what our family and its educational choices look like, God teaches and forms us through our daily struggle to love and serve those closest to us.