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Remember Your Death Memento Mori Journal
“In whatever you do, remember your last days, and you will never sin.” —Sirach 7:36. A companion resource to Memento Mori: A Lenten Devotional and Memento Mori: Prayers on the Last Things, this unique journal is a wonderful tool to assist in the contemplation of one’s life, death, and the afterlife (traditionally known as the “Last Things”). Author Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP, is at the forefront of the movement to revive the “Memento Mori” tradition in the Church. The “Memento Mori” or “remember your death” practice is an active reflection on one’s mortality in order to live a more holy life. This beautiful journal aids in that journey. In addition to compilation of prayers contained within, each journaling page has a quote for reflection. The author lists a variety of ways to utilize the book including as a companion to the series, a tool for daily examen, an aid to facing fears with trust, or a challenge journal. With a smooth, hard cover and high quality pages, this lovely, yet sturdy journal is the perfect size to carry along to Adoration or for Lenten reflections.
“The Last Things are ever new truths, powerful incentives, considerations that sanctify. The thought of them casts a brilliant light on life and points out its true meaning. They are sparks which set on fire a tremendous love–a love that consists in striving to reach God, our final goal and Supreme Good.” Blessed James Alberone