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Seton Blue Crystal Rosary (Pear Shaped Beads)


High-quality and sturdy, this stunning Seton Shrine exclusive Rosary is made in Italy .  This unique Rosary features deep-blue, faceted, pear-shaped, crystal beads which distinctively reflect the light.  The gorgeous color perfectly compliments the matching, brushed pewter crucifix and center piece.  The beautifully detailed, ornate crucifix measures not quite 2 inches.  The center piece measures approximately 1 inch in diameter; it is two-sided featuring Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton on one side and Our Lady of Grace surrounded by the words “O Mary conceived without sin pray for us” on the other side.  Fully extended, the Rosary measures just over 18 inches in length.  The perfect combination of elegance and durability, this lovely Rosary makes a wonderful gift.


SETON ornate