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Saints by Side: Elizabeth Seton


All through her life, Elizabeth Ann Seton fought for what she believed in, trusted in God, and turned dreams into reality. She was a true daughter of the American Revolution….

Born barely nine months after the Boston Tea Party, Elizabeth grew up in New York City during the very beginning of America’s independence. A staunch Protestant, she held and fully enjoyed a position among the elite of society until her life took a different path – one that would bring her to God and continue to affect lives over two hundred years after her death.

Author Anne Merwin, former president of the Mother Seton House in Baltimore, guides readers through the life of this young socialite who later became a pioneer of the Catholic school system in the United States and the foundress of the Sisters of Charity. Discover the beauty of Elizabeth’s holiness–a courageous determination to allow God to guide her.

When she discovered God’s call, she followed it, undergoing a compelling conversion, and a life of many trials. Her choices and actions are a true testament to her strong faith, fortitude, and perseverance.

Discover the secret of Elizabeth’s holiness – a courageous determination to allow God to guide her in all things.


by Anne Merwin