Dos mujeres notables, un camino: Santa Francisca de Roma y Santa Isabel Ana Seton
Francisca de Roma y Elizabeth Ann Seton fueron mujeres muy diferentes que tomaron caminos similares hacia la santidad. Cada una de ellas recibió la gracia de fundar comunidades religiosas, rezando sin cesar y confiando en el plan de Dios para sus vidas, sin importar las circunstancias que encontraran.
Dios es mío y yo soy suya - Encontrar la alegría en Cuaresma con Santa Isabel Ana Seton
Si realmente entendiéramos la Cuaresma, estaríamos tan cautivados por el Miércoles de Ceniza como lo estaba la Madre Seton. Es a través de nuestro viaje cuaresmal hacia "el gran vacío" que nos encontramos con Dios y con nuestro auténtico yo.
Lourdes and the Common Extremism of the Saints
When Bernadette Soubirous and Elizabeth Ann Seton each discerned their callings, these future saints gave unstinting witness to their missions, in extreme obedience to truths that brought hope and light to many. They never backed down.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton: A Windswept Life Bearing Seeds for the Future
When we consider Mother Seton’s legacy we can see how her faith in God grounded her life of service, and that heaven itself is seeded with her prayers for the help of others.
Welcoming the Light of Christmas with Open Hearts and Gratitude
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s entire life testified to the meaning of the Incarnation. In Jesus’s vulnerability, He taught us to trust that all of God’s purposes redound to our good. In God’s gift of himself, He taught us how to freely give of ourselves to others.
Immaculate Conception: In Advent, Find God’s Plan for You
As we see in the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and in the life of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are each made for some purpose. Not for “nothing,” but decidedly for “something” in the grand scheme of the world and all of its intended Glory.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Humble Nobility of All Souls Day
Before she became a foundress and a saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton was a wife, a mother, a teacher. On All Souls Day, her example reminds us of the dignity of the ordinary faithful who keep things going, bearing everyday witness to the power and value of a life in Christ.
The Saints Want Us to Be With Them
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, like so many other saints, took inspiration from the lives of those who came before her. For All Saints Day, why not copy the venerable practice of seeking out a patron saint to teach you throughout the next liturgical year?
St. Augustine and Mother Seton Dared to Ask—“Lord, Who Are You to Me?”
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was a woman of great works, but she was also a mystic. Like Saint Augustine, her restlessness led her to open her heart fully to God, to ask the most essential questions about her very being, knowing that she could fully trust in His answers.