Elizabeth Scalia

Elizabeth Scalia

Monica and Augustine

St. Monica and Mother Seton: Joined in Joyous Surrender

Letting go of fear and the desire to control our own lives leads to the true detachment and peace that mark the lives of Christ’s followers.

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St. Martha

Women of the Beatitudes: St. Martha and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. Martha is counted as one of the blessed, despite her fears and anxieties, and difficulties in understanding her vocation. What she and Mother Seton teach us is that only in Christ’s call for our lives do we find true joy and consolation.

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Praying and Working with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Praying and Working with Saint Benedict and Mother Seton

Like Saint Benedict, the father of western monasticism, Mother Seton’s life was grounded in contemplation and action. She was a woman of prayer who put all of her energy into the work God called her towards, always trusting in Grace.

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Saint Philip Neri and Mother Seton: Feathers on the Breath of God

Both St. Philip Neri and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton joyfully allowed the winds of the Holy Spirit to lead them wherever He desired. They each followed the path set for them by God, until they reached their crowning glory in Heaven with Him forever.

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Riding the Divine Whirlwind of Pentecost with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

On the Winds of Pentecost with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

At Pentecost, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church through imagery of divine wind and fire. For Mother Seton—and for Catholics today—it’s within the storms and wreckage of life that grace is encountered, and new paths are revealed.

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Trusting in Divine Mercy with Mother Seton

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Lightness of Divine Mercy

For humans, finding a balance between justice and mercy is always difficult. But St. Elizabeth Ann Seton understood that God’s grace transcends earthly limits, and allows mercy to fall lightly from heaven on our hearts and minds.

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Where the Cross is Present, He is Too: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Spirit of Good Friday

Mother Seton’s words are a reminder to us on this Good Friday that the heaviness of the Cross binds us to Christ, who is Peace, Justice, and Mercy.

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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day

Let Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Be Your Companion This Year

Looking for a role model to inspire your New Year’s resolutions? Who better than St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, America’s first native-born Saint, whose feast day falls on January 4. She overcame the same obstacles we struggle with in our own lives. A friend we can identify with is one we are more likely to emulate.

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