50th Anniversary - Seton Shrine

Celebrating 50 years of sainthood


New Exhibit      Events      Donors       Parishes & Schools     Pilgrimage     50 For 50         

Uniquely Ours — Elizabeth Ann Seton is a Saint and One of Us

Few things inspire us like the life of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. In her years on earth, she experienced the very human emotions of joy, pain, grief, empathy, compassion, and devotion to God. She lived her life in celebration of Him and focused her energy on just causes. She demonstrated the ability to organize, persevere, and overcome hardships while creating a community of religious women, who endure and still carry out her legacy of service to the poor. Hers was a life to be emulated and honored even before being named the first U.S. saint in 1975. As we mark the 50th anniversary of her canonization in 2025, we prayerfully reflect on her remarkable accomplishments, while also concluding that in many ways she was one of us. We ponder how we, too, can better serve those in need, accept God’s plan for our own lives, and embark on a more saintly way of living. Join those who know and love Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton at the Shrine this year if you are able. Or use our virtual resources to honor her closer to home.

50th Anniversary activities are made possible by the generosity of Ascension, our title sponsor and other major donors.

A Special 50th Anniversary Exhibit


2025 marks the 50th anniversary of Mother Seton’s canonization. On January 4, 2025, the Seton Shrine and Daughters of Charity Archives will unveil its special exhibit, ONE OF US, the story of how Elizabeth Ann Seton became a saint.

You will be transported to 1975, a time of turbulence and transition in the country and will walk away with an understanding of the magnitude of Mother Seton’s influence back then and her continued relevance today. 

Visitors will see artifacts and read personal accounts from people who attended the proceedings in Rome and Emmitsburg, an original mural depicting the long road to canonization, the official proclamation of sainthood, and information about other people who are “saints on their way.” The exhibit is co-sponsored by the Shrine and the Daughters of Charity Archives.


Events in 2025

February 3—Virtual Tours

Join us February 3rd for our upcoming virtual tour, Where It All Started: Sisters in the Stone Farm House. To celebrate the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life, we are taking you into the home of Mother Seton where she established the first order of sisters in America. REGISTER HERE.

January 4 — Feast Day & 50th Anniversary Kick-off

The National Shrine will begin its year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of Elizabeth Ann Seton’s canonization fittingly on her Feast Day, January 4, 2025. Archbishop William Lori will celebrate mass in the basilica at noon. The public is invited to participate in person or watch the mass as it is broadcast later in the day on EWTN. Just before mass at 11 am, the National Shrine will unveil a special 50th Anniversary exhibit in the museum. The public will be welcome to walk through two rooms full of displays, artifacts, a large mural depicting Elizabeth Ann Seton’s road to sainthood, and a special feature on people who are on their way to canonization. A special video inviting visitors to think about incorporating saintliness into their lives will also debut as part of the exhibit.

April 28-May 3 — Academy Alive

Nestled among Maryland’s mountains is St. Joseph’s School, Elizabeth Ann Seton’s historic 19th century girl’s school. Come for a special school day to see how children of the past lived, learned and played. You’ll meet the Seton Shrine’s celebrated Historical Interpreters; Mother Seton’s Sisters of Charity and her students as you interact with them through experiencing authentic lessons, games and performances from her world in the year 1818.


September 14 — 50th Anniversary of Mother Seton's Canonization

The public can see the special exhibit throughout 2025, and it will be one of the focal points on September 14, 2025, the actual day that marks the 50th Anniversary of Pope Paul VI declaring Elizabeth Ann Seton a saint. The public is invited to join in mass and other special activities, prayers, and presentations on that day.

Donors Make It Possible

The 50th Anniversary celebration and all our special activities surrounding it are made possible by the generosity of our donors. Ascension is our presenting sponsor for the 50th Anniversary and other major donors have stepped up to assist by providing funds, guidance, and friendship to the Shrine.

If you or your organization are interested in becoming a donor, please contact Maida Connor, Director of Donor Relations at the Seton Shrine, for a confidential gift conversation at 301-447-6049. Thank you for your gift support!

The Seton Shrine offers special appreciation to the following donors who have supported the exhibit, events, and activities for the 50thanniversary.



Ausherman Family Foundation

Bozzuto Family Charitable Fund

Margaret Bohl

Delaplaine Foundation, Inc.

Steve & Adele Dufilho

Ellen Kelly

Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton Foundation, Inc.

The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation

Richard Kreitzberg

Mr. & Mrs. B. Francis Saul, II

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Smith

James M. and Margaret V Stine Foundation

Tom & Kathy VanOsdol

Visit Frederick

Gregg & Cindy Wallander

The Michael & Jeanne Zychinski Family Charitable Fund

Ellen Yankellow

Parishes & Schools

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s example of serving the poor and devotion to God’s calling influence inspires communities all over the world. In the U.S. alone, there are more than 200 parishes and schools named in her honor. Her legacy is as important today as it was 50 years ago when she was named a saint.

Your parish or school may already have plans to mark the anniversary, and we would like to amplify your efforts. Or you may be looking for assistance and resources. We can help.

The National Shrine will:

· Help you plan a pilgrimage to the Shrine or offer tips on organizing a pilgrimage in your own community

· Provide videos for you to share at church or school functions  (See videos here)

· Provide downloadable promotional materials for your use

· Offer a special 50th Anniversary logo for your use: Download here

· Share your photos and stories on social media

· Keep you updated on our activities throughout the year

We could use your help:

· Visit this 50th Anniversary web page often

· Open a dialogue with us and share your activities and news

· Share your information and photos on social media using the hashtags: #50yearsasaint, #50seton, #saintseton

Download Logo Here:

Plan a Pilgrimage in 2025

Walk where she walked

Whether you are planning a personal or group pilgrimage, the Seton Shrine is here to accommodate your needs. The Shrine offers flexible scheduling, adaptable and custom content, and a unique experience for your visit.

There is so much to see and experience at the National Shrine, including the museum, the basilica, the Stone Farm House, Historic St. Joseph’s House, and the St. Joseph’s cemetery. Get a glimpse of life in the 1800s with our historical interpreters in period attire.

Plan a personal visit or a group tour.

Email Kelly.Smith@setonshrine.org

50 for 50 — Inspirational Stories/Quotes/Reflections for the 50th Anniversary

Throughout 2025 we will feature 50 stories, quotes, clips, photos, and/or devotional statements from ordinary people who have experienced the extraordinary power of  prayer and intercession through Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.

You may have such a story, and we would love to hear from you. It can be a sentence or several paragraphs. Your story is yours to share and we will highlight it here. Contact Kate Poindexter, communications manager, kate.poindexter@setonshrine.org


More info to come
