Lisa Lickona, Author at Seton Shrine - Page 2 of 5

Lisa Lickona

Following the Master’s Plan: Saint Dominic and Mother Seton

Like many other great religious founders, St. Dominic and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton had no master plan. They simply opened their hearts to the certainty of Christ’s call, revealing itself through the signs of their times.

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The Fervor of Elizabeth Ann Seton

The Fervor of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Transfiguration

The example of Peter during the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor warns us against taking easy roads to holiness, a lesson that Mother Seton embodied in her life. She always stayed on the narrow path, walking alongside Christ, all the way to heaven.

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Dying, to Live: Blessed Stanley Rother and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Blessed Stanley Rother and Mother Seton accepted death as a part of life, their peace and certainty sure signs that at the end of their lives they would find nothing but Christ.

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Beyond Idolatry: Learning to Love with St. Bonaventure and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

The great theologian St. Bonaventure understood, as Mother Seton did, that Christian faith is grounded in absolute trust in God’s love for us. And that it is the miraculous abundance of this assurance that spills over into our love of others.

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Mother Seton St. Josemaria Escriva

The Play of the Heart: Saint Josemaría Escrivá and Mother Seton

God does not call us to a life void of joy and light. God is found both when we pray and play. He makes His presence known in the daily tasks of ordinary life—something that both St. Josemaría Escrivá and Mother Seton understood.

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Crying Out to God With Saint Ephrem and Mother Seton

When we experience the anguish of violence in the world, we can cry out to the Lord with Elizabeth and Ephrem, and let Him tenderly heal us.

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Following Mother Seton’s Path Into the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Following Mother Seton’s Path Into the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart teaches us that the way of the saints is not about an abstract ideal or rules for life, but about the unfathomable love of God, who we embrace—blood, sweat and all.

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Through the Lens of the Cross: Saint Joan of Arc and Mother Seton

Saint Joan of Arc and Mother Seton are two fiery souls with one shared devotion to Christ. Both unwilling to back down, they each offered all “in the ambit of that one ‘everlasting’ sign, the cross.”

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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Beloved Daughter and Woman of the Trinity

Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can rest in the community of love that is the Triune God. Mother Seton shows us how to immerse ourselves in the life of the Blessed Trinity as God’s beloved sons and daughters.

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