Embracing the Certainty of Easter with Saint Damien and Mother Seton
When my fears threaten to overtake me, I look for courage to the lives of the saints, who embraced the certainty of new life in the risen Christ, who lives among us still in the Eucharist, and in the Church.
Out of the Darkness with Louise de Marillac and Elizabeth Ann Seton
Meditating on the trials and struggles of St. Louise de Marillac and Mother Seton gives us hope in these uncertain times. We learn that holiness is found not in flashes of glory, but in the messy spaces where one watches, prays, and waits.
The ‘Secret’ of the Saints: Servant of God Takashi Nagai and Mother Seton
When faced with adversity, saints don’t aim for heroism. They have only one goal: to follow and be transformed by Jesus. This is the radical way of holiness as gift that we see in the lives of Elizabeth Seton and the Nagasaki mystic Takashi Nagai.
The Eucharistic Fervor of St. Catherine of Siena and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
From our modern perspective, how St. Catherine of Siena and Mother Seton went to extremes for the sake of the Eucharist can seem absurd. But their devotion to the real presence of Christ was as essential to their lives as breathing is to ours.
Through the Darkness to Easter Light with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
As we journey through the darkness of the Paschal Triduum, and emerge into the light of Easter, the example of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton shows us how to yield our lives to Christ, the Crucified One, that we might live.
Thea Bowman and Mother Seton: Living the Paradox of the Gospel
In their lives, Servant of God Thea Bowman and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton were content to do their “little bit,” to plant the seeds of God’s love that would bring forth a bountiful harvest in heaven and on earth.
The Main Event: Palm Sunday with Mother Seton
The lives of the saints, including Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, remind us that the sacrifices they made — and that we make — all point to the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us. We are healed through the sacrifice already made by Jesus on the Cross.
The Spirit At Work In the Lives of Chiara Lubich and Mother Seton
The Holy Spirit loves to surprise us. In every age He enters like a lightning bolt and transforms relationships, overturns our ways of thinking, and brings new life, as he did with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Servant of God Chiara Lubich.
‘They Possess God’: Mother Seton and Blessed John of Fiesole
It’s no wonder that Mother Seton and the Dominican friar known as Fra Angelico experienced God so intensely in Italy, a land of splendid Catholic art and liturgy. They weren’t satisfied with a God who was merely transcendent, but yearned for the One who gave His life for the world and became our living bread.