St. Jerome and Mother Seton Teach Us the Paradox of Christian Life
Probing the depths of our faith, we see that truth can be illuminated by some of the most confounding paradoxes.
Mother Seton and the Archangels — Helpers for All Seasons
The angels surround us, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton believed. God and his angelic servants are here to help us whenever we turn to them, in every season of life.
St. Thomas of Villanova and Mother Seton: The Struggle to Do What You Should
St. Thomas of Villanova and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton show us that obedience is the path to great works, and humility is what makes all the other virtues possible.
Learn Vietnam Hero Cardinal Van Thuan’s 10 Rules of Life With Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Throughout the trials and hardships of their lives, Venerable Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan and Mother Seton witnessed to the truth that suffering, in Christ, is transformed into joy.
The Pattern of Love: St. John Chrysostom and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Through the strength of their words and example, St. John Chrysostom and Mother Seton teach us the meaning of Christian charity: John through his powerful preaching and advocacy for the poor, Elizabeth through her spiritual writings and works of mercy.
5 Things St. Gregory the Great and Mother Seton Had in Common
The wisdom of the Saints transcends time and place, as we see in the lives of St. Gregory the Great and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Separated by 1,200 years, each Saint lived in tumultuous times, balancing action and contemplation in ways that are relevant in any age.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Louis IX: Christian Leaders
Despite the obvious differences of gender, social status, nationality and historical era, Elizabeth Ann Seton and King Louis IX of France shared a common vision based on faith. They modeled their lives on Love itself.
Mother Seton’s ‘Certain Hope’ in Mary, Assumed Into Heaven
The Church teaches that Mary’s Assumption anticipates the resurrection and is a sign of hope and comfort for us all. In her life, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton continually relied on this certain hope, in the sure knowledge of Mary’s presence in eternity, body and soul.
The Call, the Cross, the Crown: Mother Seton and Maximilian Kolbe
The Christian life asks of us devotion and suffering but promises to those who persevere the crown of eternal life.