Seton Shrine Young Interpreters Brings History to Life for Visitors – and Themselves
Living history is an interpretive tool used at the Seton Shrine to tell the history and story of Mother Seton, the early Sisters of Charity, and…the students!
Press Release: The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton to Hold Popular Living History Event Targeting School Age Groups
For two weekends in May, visitors to the Shrine can jump back in time to explore 19th century life as it was on the grounds of Mother Seton’s St. Joseph’s Academy
PRESS: Lenten Conversion With Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
Msgr. Charles M. Mangan shares his powerful experience of listening to confessions in his car at the Seton Shrine.
Mother Seton, Friend of Sailors, Brings Miracles, Hope, & Help to Those on the Sea
Rob Judge appears on Conversation with Cardinal Dolan
Press Release: Sea Services Personnel to Join in Annual Pilgrimage on October 2 at the Seton shrine
The Pilgrimage brings together Sea Services members to ask their patroness for her continued intercession for the safety of those serving our Nation at Sea.
Mother Seton, Friend of Sailors, Brings Miracles, Hope, & Help to Those on the Sea
Mother Seton, Patroness of the Sea Services, intercedes for a dying soldier…
Seton Shrine’s Book Club Fosters Friendships in Heaven and on Earth
A moving story from the Seton Shrine about a mother, a sister, a child, and a book club