The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton opened its latest exhibition beginning July 1. “Seton Family Treasures”, as the exhibit is called, showcases various former belongings of the Setons.
The beautiful shrine, dedicated to the first American-born Catholic saint, is located in Emmitsburg, MD, less than a 20-minute drive from Gettysburg, PA, and includes a museum, ornate basilica, and extensive grounds which cover the location of Mother Seton’s housing to which she moved in the early 1800s.
Though closed for a time during the pandemic, the shrine has reopened and welcomes the return of guests and pilgrims.
The Seton Family Treasures are on display in the museum and feature many clothing articles and everyday knick-knacks once owned by the virtuous family, particularly those of Elizabeth Ann Seton’s children. Among these are contained the personal writings of several of the Setons as well as certain sacramentals that held deep spiritual meaning for those who used them.