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Honor Those Serving in the Sea Services
Enroll your loved ones in a special prayer offering during our Annual Sea Services Pilgrimage and Mass.
Shortly after Pope Paul VI canonized Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton on September 14, 1975, Monsignor John J. O’Connor, then Chief of Chaplains and later Archbishop of New York, took the initiative to proclaim Mother Seton “Patroness of the Sea Services.” She was to be an intercessor for Catholic men and women in the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine and United States Public Health Service.
Every year the Seton Shrine hosts a Sea Services Pilgrimage drawing hundreds of people for a special Mass and dinner.
All are welcome at the Shrine this year on October 1st to join military personnel and their families in seeking Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s intercession for the safety and spiritual welfare of those serving at sea.
The Mass will also be televised LIVE on EWTN for those who cannot join in-person. (To read more about the history of the event, click here.)
To commemorate this special day, you can honor your loved ones by enrolling them in a prayer offering during Mass at the Basilica of The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
The Sisters here at the Shrine will place your intentions at Mother Seton’s Altar of relics and pray for her intercession.
To send your intentions, and also send an optional Mass Enrollment eCard immediately by email, please click here.
Send this beautiful eCard to notify a loved one of your enrollment today:
(Only one person can be notified by email with an eCard per donation, but you can list the names of your enrollees in the box at the start, as well as additional prayer intentions at the end of the process.)