Votive Lights | Prayer Candles
Votive lights -- also known as prayer candles -- are a way for the faithful to remember a loved one or pray for a special intention. The prayer candles will shine in the Basilica day and night as a sign of the impassioned prayer of those who light them. You may light a prayer candle for a day, a week, a month, or even six months or a year. For semi-annual or annual candles, you have the option of placing an inscription on the candle.
If you wish to light a prayer candle, please scroll down to see suggested donation amounts and the form, or view our brochure here.
We ask for a donation for each prayer candle to help with the cost of tending and maintaining the candles. Your gift is fully tax-deductible and is a true blessing to us in our ministry.

Sample Inscriptions
In Loving Memory
Mary Christina Smith
The Smith Family
In Thanksgiving
for our baby boy
John Michael Rothchild
A Gift of Prayer
for Jim and Tina Sprey
Nick, Jessica and kids
For a Special Intention
Light Your Votive Prayer Candle
To get started, complete the form below and click “Next Step” to choose the time period of your votive prayer candle and make your gift.