Lisa M. Hendey, Author at Seton Shrine

Lisa M. Hendey

Into the Hands of God the Father with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Into the Hands of God the Father with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Throughout her life, Mother Seton knew that we are never truly alone, even when life’s challenges are most daunting. Our Heavenly Father is always there for us—present, loving, merciful.

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Annunciation Mother Seton

The Annunciation: Saying Yes to God in Hard Times With Mother Seton

A few weeks after her conversion, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton celebrated the Annunciation by receiving Holy Communion for the first time. Thereafter, even in moments of poverty, loss and death, Elizabeth would follow Mary’s example with grace, courage, and a mission to serve others.

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Valentine's Day - Seton Shrine

Valentine’s Day and the Love That Never Fails

The love between spouses is a mirror of God’s enduring love for us. Few examples of such love are more poignant than Elizabeth Ann Seton’s tender care for her dying husband William during their long quarantine in a damp lazaretto after their journey to Italy.

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Baptism of the Lord - Seton Shrine

Celebrating the Baptism of Our Lord Is a Chance to Say “Yes” Again to Him

John the Baptist and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton bore their challenges with total confidence in the infinite presence of God. I try to keep their examples in mind when the daily living of my faith feels daunting.

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Trusting in Divine Mercy with Mother Seton

Trusting in Divine Mercy with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

On Divine Mercy Sunday we each have the opportunity to summon within our hearts the same trust in God’s mercy that Mother Seton had: “We are truly his and he is truly ours.”

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