Paula Huston, Author at Seton Shrine

Paula Huston

Evagrius of Pontus and Elizabeth Ann Seton

From Worldliness to Wilderness: Evagrius of Pontus and Elizabeth Seton

Evagrius and Mother Seton shared a passion for mastering the inner life. Their struggles with powerful emotions led to profound insights into authentic love and holiness.

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St. Charles de Foucauld

Saints of the Unexpected: St. Charles de Foucauld and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Although from vastly different worlds, these two saints each experienced dramatic conversions that revealed the transformative power of surrendering to divine love.

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St. Teresa of Avila

Sisters in Courage: Teresa of Avila and Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. Teresa of Avila and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton each had to confront age-old prejudices about women as they founded religious communities that were unique for their times. Neither doubted that God would provide them with good counsel as they forged new paths for the Church.

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Blessed Richard Rolle

Unsuspecting Mystics: Richard Rolle and Elizabeth Seton

As compared to past centuries, the contemplative roadmap is not so easy to find nowadays. But by praying without ceasing, as Blessed Richard Rolle and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton did, the more readily the mystical path reveals itself to us.

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The Sacred Call of Solitude: St. Romuald and Mother Seton

The Sacred Call of Solitude: Saint Romuald and Mother Seton

Although separated by centuries, St. Romuald of Ravenna and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton shared lifelong desires for solitude and silence, as they sought ever deeper experiences of divine intimacy.

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Into God’s Light | Powerlessness: Why is there evil and suffering? How can I make a difference?

Into God’s Light | Powerlessness: Why is there evil and suffering? How can I make a difference?

Week Seven | An Easter reflection series with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton on the spiritual and mental health crisis afflicting young people.

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Hopelessness: “Does my life matter? How do I find happiness?”

Into God’s Light | Hopelessness: Does my life matter? How do I find happiness?

Week Six | An Easter reflection series with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton on the spiritual and mental health crisis afflicting young people.

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Into God’s Light | Shame: Why do I feel unworthy? How do I gain self-respect?

Into God’s Light | Shame: Why do I feel unworthy? How do I gain self-respect?

Week Five | An Easter reflection series with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton on the spiritual and mental health crisis afflicting young people.

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Into God's Light | Abandonment

Into God’s Light | Abandonment: Why am I alone? Where do I belong?

Week Four | An Easter reflection series with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton on the spiritual and mental health crisis afflicting young people.

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