Seton Reflections Archives - Seton Shrine

Seton Reflections

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Annunciation Mother Seton

The Annunciation: Saying Yes to God in Hard Times With Mother Seton

A few weeks after her conversion, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton celebrated the Annunciation by receiving Holy Communion for the first time. Thereafter, even in moments of poverty, loss and death, Elizabeth would follow Mary’s example with grace, courage, and a mission to serve others.

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St. Oscar Romero, Mother Seton, and the Works of Mercy

In their radical commitment to doing the will of God, St. Oscar Romero and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton gave their lives to serving the poor and marginalized of the earth.

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Blessed Clemens August von Galen

From Privilege to Witness: Blessed Clemens August von Galen and Mother Seton

Elizabeth Ann Seton left status and comfort to find the fullness of faith. Bishop von Galen risked everything to defend it against the Nazis. These saints show us that when God asks for all, He gives even more in return.

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The Way of St. Joseph and Mother Seton

St. Joseph and Mother Seton: The Vocations of Spouse and Worker

St. Joseph and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton teach us that God won’t make troubles go away, but he will protect us in the midst of them. They both found strength by responding to God’s call, even when it meant leaving everything behind.

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St. Cyril of Jerusalem

Caught Up in Grace: St. Cyril of Jerusalem and Mother Seton

St. Cyril defended the divinity of Christ amid the Arian heresy, while St. Elizabeth Ann Seton embraced the Catholic Church despite opposition from her community. They show us that it’s impossible to live in truth without courage.

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Seton Shrine - Saint Patrick Preaching to the Kings

Saint Patrick’s Day and Mother Seton’s Heart for the Irish

From the hardscrabble immigrants she worshiped with and whose piety she learned from, to the Irish clergy and bishops with whom she worked to build her religious community, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton always had a heart for the Irish.

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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Explains How to Pray, Fast, and Give

For St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the three Lenten marks of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving were a way of life. Her words can inspire us to view these three practices of Lent as one integrated act.

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Jan Tyranowski

Venerable Jan Tyranowski and Mother Seton: When Lay People Help Create Saints

Elizabeth Ann Seton and John Paul II may not have become saints without the early influence of devoted lay people who spiritually mentored them along the path to Christ.

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Chiara Lubich

The Spirit At Work In the Lives of Chiara Lubich and Mother Seton

The Holy Spirit loves to surprise us. In every age He enters like a lightning bolt and transforms relationships, overturns our ways of thinking, and brings new life, as he did with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Servant of God Chiara Lubich.

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