Embracing God’s Will with Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
In today’s world, we need God more than ever, and we need to unite our wills with His. The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary reminds us that communion with God requires prayer. The Blessed Mother understood this, as did Mother Seton: ‘Make my heart like unto thine.’
Trusting in the Goodness of God With St. Faustina and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Faustina and Mother Seton inspire us to bring our little bits of good will to the small tasks before us, and trust that God can accomplish great things through them.
The Hallmarks of a Saint: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Francis of Assisi
At Mother Seton’s canonization, Pope Paul VI said “A Saint is a human creature fully conformed to the will of God.” Consider these four ways that St. Francis and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton embodied this standard in their own lives.
Surrender at the Speed of Light with St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
The courage and boldness of St. Therese and Mother Seton, especially in the face of great suffering and agony, flowed from their willingness to throw themselves completely into the arms of the Father.
St. Jerome and Mother Seton Teach Us the Paradox of Christian Life
Probing the depths of our faith, we see that truth can be illuminated by some of the most confounding paradoxes.
Unsuspecting Mystics: Richard Rolle and Elizabeth Seton
As compared to past centuries, the contemplative roadmap is not so easy to find nowadays. But by praying without ceasing, as Blessed Richard Rolle and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton did, the more readily the mystical path reveals itself to us.
Mother Seton and the Archangels — Helpers for All Seasons
The angels surround us, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton believed. God and his angelic servants are here to help us whenever we turn to them, in every season of life.
St. Vincent de Paul and Mother Seton: A Match Made in Heaven
St. Vincent de Paul and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton weren’t holy card or fairy-tale figures, but flesh and blood human beings who struggled with earthly dreams. Their lives suggest a way forward for all of us who suffer the tension between a comfortable life in the world and a life thrown open to Christ.
Learning to Follow with Padre Pio and Mother Seton
In Padre Pio and Elizabeth Ann Seton, we see the diversity of the saints, and how the drama of the human soul is expressed in many different ways. But what unites them is their “yes” to God, which unlocks the power of a true disciple of Christ.