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Christmas and Our Longing for Eternity

Our Longings Bring Us Closer to the Christ Child – and to Eternity

Christmas is joyous, but it’s also a time when the stresses and conflicts of family life can lead to bitterness. In such moments we should follow the example of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, who knew that only by looking towards eternity can we attain peace here on earth.

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St. Peter Canisius - Seton Reflecfions

Being Carried: The Marian Devotion of Saint Peter Canisius and Mother Seton

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Peter Canisius witnessed to the faith through their charitable actions and works of kindness—a strength they received from relying on the loving heart of Mary.

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St. John of the Cross and Mother Seton

To Expect Nothing—and Everything: Advent with John of the Cross and Mother Seton

St. John of the Cross and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton teach us how to empty ourselves before God as we journey towards Christmas. Elizabeth’s barren womb, John the Baptist’s desert cry, the shepherd’s confusion, and Mary and Joseph in that cold stable—all of them point to the truth of Advent: the whole, poor world is waiting for Jesus to come.

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The Virgin and the Wife: St. Lucy of Syracuse and Mother Seton

The lives of St. Lucy and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton show us how in the Church’s tradition, marriage and virginity illumine each other. Every single soul is called to an espousal with Christ, the Divine Bridegroom. And in the love of a man and a woman, Christ’s own love for the Church shines forth.

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What Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Message Meant to Mother Seton — and What it Means for Us

At Guadalupe, our Blessed Mother’s personal relationship with the people of Mexico changed the world. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton discovered the same truth in her own life. When you remember that Jesus and Mary are your family, then truly, anything is possible.

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St. Damasus, Mother Seton, and the Roots of Christian Comfort

The teachings, sacraments, and traditions of the Church that sustained Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton throughout her life were forged from the heroic virtue of great saints like Damasus of Rome.

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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton In Advent Finding God's Plan For You

Immaculate Conception: In Advent, Find God’s Plan for You

As we see in the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and in the life of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are each made for some purpose. Not for “nothing,” but decidedly for “something” in the grand scheme of the world and all of its intended Glory.

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Fulton Sheen and Elizabeth Ann Seton: The Church That Challenges

Venerable Fulton Sheen and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton were both passionately committed to the truth that the Church is God’s channel of grace to humanity. A grace born of much suffering, but overcome by love.

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Mother Seton Saint Ambrose

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Witness of the ‘Church of Ambrose’

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton loved to quote Saint Ambrose, one of the four original Doctors of the Church. On his feast day, we pray that we might follow in his and Mother Seton’s footsteps in teaching the true faith to others — both in words, and in authentic lives of devotion and service.

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